Latest Times Spark Mock Test 3
Notwithstanding this judgment, the divine glory of the Blue God has remained unsullied, and will remain so; and i am confident that, irrespective of what may happen in the legal proceedings against Kamal Haasan, his right to publicly introspect about his own religion – a right that is available to every Hindu – will remain valid now, and always, as per the established tenets of Hinduism itself.
In his regular column in the Tamil weekly magazine Ananda Vikatan, Kamal wrote that extremism has spread even among Hindus, some of whom believe not in satyameva jayate but in might is right. “In the past Hindu right wing groups would not indulge in violence. They would hold a dialogue with opponents. But now they resort to violence.”
It was in this context that he said that “one cannot say there is no Hindu terror anymore.” His use of the words ‘Hindu terror’ may perhaps have been inappropriate, but as he clarified immediately, his real intention was to focus on the violence that has entered Hinduism through the action of some of its ‘defenders’.
These newly emergent ‘defenders’ resort to violence precisely because of their abysmal ignorance of the greatness of Hinduism. Hinduism is sanatan – eternal; it has always been, and will always remain so. That is why, historically, Hindus are not, and never have been insecure about their religion.
Those of proselytising religions have conquered India, but Hindus have remained the overwhelming majority of the Indian population then as they are now. Hinduism has never felt the need to codify its practice in one scripture, nor thought it necessary to regiment its faithful at the altar of only one god, nor created a single church for its defence and propagation. For its believers, their faith is more a way of life, not without its own rituals and samskaras should you wish to practise them, but without the need to constantly test loyalties.
Moreover, at the level of theory, Hinduism has allowed a level of dissent that is not to be found in any other major religion. It may surprise the lumpen elements forever ready to threaten violence in defence of Hinduism, that of the six major systems of Hindu philosophy, five can technically be described as atheistic. They do not speak of god per se, but of the difference between the real and the unreal, the eternal and the transient, and the permanent and the ephemeral.
Hindu philosophy even gives space to those who categorically deny the existence of god, such as the Charvaka school. Amartya Sen has pertinently pointed out that “Sanskrit has the world’s largest literature in the agnostic and atheistic tradition.”
The essential point is that Hinduism, in its remarkably self-assured way, is different from most other religions for the freedom it gives to its own followers to critique and disagree. Adi Shankaracharya, the great Hindu philosopher, and one who revived Hinduism in the eighth century, could fearlessly say in his sublime poem Nirvanashatakam, that for him nothing mattered – not mantras, nor pilgrimage sites, nor yajnas, not even the Vedas themselves (na mantro, na teertham, na veda, na yajnah). Perhaps, extreme right wing Hindus should file a case against Shankaracharya posthumously for his temerity to even dismiss the sanctity of the Vedas!
According to established Hindu practice, disagreements should be resolved through shastrartha or debate, dialogue and discussion, not violence. Those who, therefore, use violence to beat Dalits, or kill people on suspicion of smuggling cattle or eating beef, or vandalise art exhibitions and film theatres by taking the law in their own hands, are not protectors but destroyers of the refinement of Hinduism. To be outraged by those who warn of violence within Hinduism, one has only to remember that it was a fanatical Hindu who killed one of the greatest messiahs of peace – Mahatma Gandhi.
All wanton violence and religious fundamentalism is wrong, be it of the right or the left, or of any religion, and needs to be identified, countered and condemned. In this context, the real question for Hindus is who, and for what reason, is today deliberately fanning this fanatical violence among them? Certainly, those who condone or justify this violence, are not true Hindus.
Hinduism has survived and flourished not because of its evangelical brutality, but because, at its luminous core, is a loftiness of thought that no sword can decimate. Those who forget this should read but one question and answer in the Prashnottara Ratna Malika of Shankara Bhagwatpada. “Patakam cha kim?” what is sinful, asks the questioner. “Hinsa”, violence, is the one word, unequivocal answer.
Thanks, for sharing the information, it’s very informative post!
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