Compare the passages below: Passage ( i ) The treadmill began to whir, and I gripped its handlebars as the belt started moving me backwards. All I could do now was run -- or begrudgingly barrel forward -- toward an outdated screen that showed me the terrain I was supposed to be running on. It was made of red squares stacked up, one on top of another: the higher stacks were supposed to be steep hills, and the lower ones,valleys. I tried to picture them as burning coals to see if that would make me speed up or at least feel like this exercise was somehow connected to nature -- even one of its cruel parts. Passage (ii) The treadmill began to whir, and my heart sped up faster than the belt could go. Instead of pressing "select" on my remote control to escape into a TV show, I had just selected "Power Run." A sleek screen with a simple set of red lines showed me the terrain on which I was running.T...
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